Sunday, January 21, 2007

Full Weekend!

Well, there was a lot going on this weekend. It's cliché to say this, but I need another weekend to recover from my weekend!

Yesterday Oscar and I drove over to Rhode Island to meet my dad and his wife, who drove down from Rockport, Massachusetts. It was COLD!!! Apart from lunch, we did a lot of driving around -- down to Point Judith, around Beavertail State Park, and around Newport. The water was very beautiful and the architecture quite grand. I'd been to Newport once before, but it was a couple of years ago. So it was fun and we had a nice chance to visit. I was wiped out when we got home, though.

Then tonight I went to supper club. This month's theme: Under the Tuscan Sun. I took an antipasto bowl -- very easy and very good. Everything else was good, too -- lasagna, white bean and barley soup, bread, chianti, Tuscan quesadillas, and some good homemade biscotti for dessert.

I haven't gotten a lot of knitting done this week, but here are some photos of the sweater I knitted last year, as modeled by my precious niece, Helen. The sweater is still a little big for her (she'll be 8 months old next week), but my sister was kind enough to put it on over her pjs and send me a few photos:


Blogger anphoe said...

I didn't know you like to cook... I have joined a cooking club too, but I have never gone to any of their meeting. Since I went to SnB meeting first, I spend most of my time knitting, then I have got no time for cooking :)

That sweater looks so cute on your niece. Love it!

21/1/07 10:19 PM  
Blogger costumechick said...

SHe is so sweet! How can your sister resist taking pictures of her all the time?

22/1/07 12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look! You updated and we commented! Your niece is so cute, and the sweater's not bad either. :)

26/1/07 10:11 AM  

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