Saturday, October 13, 2007

Long Time No See...

Wow, it really HAS been a while since my last post. So what's been happening since late August?

Well, my beautiful new nephew arrived on September 10th. Matthew Stewart weighed in at a healthy 9 lbs., 6 oz. Matthew, his mom, and his dad are all doing really well. Even Truman the Border Collie is handling the new family dynamic fairly well -- can you spot him in the first photo?

And I finished Matthew's blanket and managed to get it to him before he was a month old:

And lest you think that I'm neglecting my precious niece, here's a photo of her at a gathering of Guatemalan adoptees and their families (Helen's the pumpkin):

Not a whole lot else going on this weekend, except that something's got my allergies going crazy. Sneezy, sneezy, sneezy.


Blogger anphoe said...

Anne, I miss you! I went to SnB for the last 2 weeks, but you weren't there.

The baby blanket looks awesome!

Baby Matthew looks so cute!

14/10/07 5:25 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Thanks -- I've missed you guys too. I've hated to miss S&B -- sick last week and working the week before. :-( But I will be there Thursday, although I guess you have class again...

14/10/07 8:11 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Hi Anne, thanks for the update on the newest client for that baby-gift sweatshop you seem to be running. He's adorable. Hope all's well!

16/10/07 12:16 AM  
Blogger WifeMomKnitter said...

Your nephew is adorable! Helen is as cute as ever. Love the pumpkin costume!

19/10/07 6:44 AM  

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